Tom Wilson Counseling Center

Online Classes for Court Ordered Requirements, Employment, and Education

Online Course Catalog


24 Hour Online Drug Diversion Class

This 24 Hour Online Drug Diversion and Awareness class is a program that allows eligible defendants to be diverted out of the criminal court system and into a drug rehabilitation program. This class was developed by a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, for first time drug offenders, such as possession of marijuana and/or paraphernalia. If a first offense drug defendant has an otherwise clean criminal record, judges generally will find a defendant eligible for the drug diversion program without requiring a formal eligibility evaluation. Get court approval before enrolling.

FREE Victims Impact Panel and certificate included. You do NOT have to add the Victim Panel to your shopping cart.  It will be included in your class.

Need a DUI or Alcohol Drug Substance Class instead? Click on one of the classes below or go to DUI or Alcohol Drug categories. Be sure to check the state requirements that requires this class, not the state you live in.

Price: $495.00